Organic Ghee

1700.00 ₹ 2000.00(15% OFF)

Inclusive of all taxes

Product Details

  • Product Code
  • Preservatives
    No Added Preservatives
  • Smoke Point
  • Shelf Life
    1 Year
  • Digestibility
    Easy To Digest As It Contains No Lactose And Casein.
  • Nutritional Values(Per Table Spoon)
    • Total Fat

      14 g

    • Sodium

      0 mg

    • Protein

      0.04 g

    • Vitamin A

      438 IU

    • Vitamin D

      15 mcg

    • Vitamin E

      0.04 g

    • Vitamin K

      1.2 mcg

    • Choline

      2.7 mg

    • Omega 3

      45 mg

Pure Desi Cow Ghee made from pure milk from our own cows which are free grazed on the organic farm, the cows bask in the sunshine while free grazing and exercise for 5 hrs, after the calf has had her/his due the milk is removed by hand then boiled over fire wood then inoculated with curds to make whole curds, the curds is then churned to get butter which is melted on fire wood to make the best, pure desi cow ghee - this is the only ghee which melts below human body temperature, contains no artificial agents and is one of the best known medicines as per Ayurveda and is known to cure many chronic diseases and improve immunity and strength.

Desi Cow Ghee provides you with all the essential good fats that help maintain a healthy heart. It meets upto 90% of your daily omega-3 fatty acid requirement. It can help you with joint pain, weight management and maintaining good cholesterol levels.

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